The short answer is no. The new Colorado exemptions only apply to cases filed  after April 7, 2022.  If it makes sense to dismiss your Chapter 13 Bankruptcy and you currently qualify to file a Chapter 7 bankruptcy then it may be an option. However, you must qualify to file a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy. If […]

In addition to the Trustee and creditors’ ability to prevent a discharge under section 727 of the Bankruptcy Code  for transfers with in one year of filing,  there is another section of the Bankruptcy code to be concerned about. Under section 548 of the Bankruptcy Code, a Trustee has the ability to go back two […]

What happens if I transfer my interest in my house or other property  without receiving fair market value within one year  before I file Bankruptcy? You will likely cause yourself a lot of problems. One problem is that the Trustee or a creditor may file an action against you in the Bankruptcy Court to prevent […]